Are You Ready for Plastic Free July?

At KTMB, we do our best to practice what we preach. With Plastic Free July coming up, we wanted to share a few tips to help you reduce plastics in your everyday life.


We'll start with "Refuse." Opt for reusable water bottles instead of plastic single-use bottles. This one may seem obvious, but bottled water generates a lot of plastic waste. It is also a lot more expensive than tap water, and our local tap water quality is very high. Stay hydrated, cut plastic, and save money – sounds like a win-win-win to us!

Next, "Reduce" plastics. We know you would never litter, but waste does end up in our environment. Plastic waste will stick around for a long time as microplastics, which have already been discovered in our local watershed! You can get involved in cleanups with KTMB to reduce the litter, especially plastic waste, in and around our communities that can end up in our waterways and local ecosystems.


Try to "Reuse" what you might normally throw out. Check out another KTMB blog that offers eight Creative Ways to Reuse your Waste. Reusing materials gives those items a second purpose! It also saves energy and resources and significantly reduces waste.

Finally, "Recycle." You can Recycle Plastic bags at most grocery stores. When plastic bags and other thin plastic film enter a conventional recycling facility, they get tangled in equipment and threaten worker safety.

You can also help out the Fluid Art Project by dropping off needed plastics at a few area locations that you can find here. You can also visit the KTMB Recycle Guide anytime to find out how to recycle or repurpose items.


Plastic Free July 2021


Welcome to KTMB’s Earth Month 2021