Illegal Dumping Prevention
What is Illegal Dumping?
Illegal Dumping is the unlawful disposal of anything larger than litter into land or water. In Northern Nevada, we see it in our open spaces and desert.
The Cost
Contaminates our watershed
Harmful to wildlife
Fire Hazard
Decreases property value
Cleanup cost to taxpayers
Trash attracts trash
Alternatives to Illegal Dumping
KTMB’s Recycling Guide - search for alternative disposal and recycling options.
Washoe County Residents can dispose of a variety of appliances, mattress and box spring sets, tires and more at the Lockwood Landfill for free.*
Waste Management Customers get 4 free dumps a year.
*See 2020 Lockwood Landfill Rate sheet for more information*
Report Illegal Dumping
To report an Illegal Dumpsite that needs to be cleaned, call 329-DUMP (3867).
To report individual(s) who are actively dumping waste, call 785-WCSO (9276).