Spread Good Deeds,
Not Invasive Weeds
Many pollutants like trash, fertilizers, and oil wreak havoc on our water supply in the Truckee Meadows, but did you know that weeds also impact our water quality? That’s right - weeds.
Follow these simple steps to give weeds the boot:
Stay on designated trails and avoid weed-infested areas.
When doing yard work, make sure to bag up any clippings or yard waste that could contain invasive species and dispose of them in the trash receptacle.
See, capture, and report weeds through EDDMapS (Early Detection & Distribution Mapping System). Visit www.eddmaps.org and download the APP to your smartphone.
Join KTMB for other cleanup and weed eradication projects throughout the year. Visit the KTMB volunteer page to see current opportunities.
Learn how to identify and get rid of local invasive and noxious weeds. Use the Nevada Department of Agriculture’s Noxious Weed Field Guide for more information.
Below are some of the most common noxious weeds in our area:
Here are some more resources and information
Visit agri.nv.gov/NoxiousWeeds/ to learn more about noxious weeds, access the Nevada Noxious Weed field guide, the Weeds Quick Reference Guide, and other resources.
Visit the University of Reno, Nevada Cooperative Extension Program to learn more about their Invasive Weed Training and other weed prevention and management information.
Visit playcleango.org to learn more about prevention strategies during your next adventure!
This program is supported by funding from the Nevada Division of Forestry, Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources through a Landscape Scale Restoration Grant awarded by the US Forest Service.