The pesticide-free planter beds of the Sensory Garden are themed to the five senses, inviting all visitors to interact with each of them.
TOUCH the plants, rocks, moss (try this with your eyes closed)
SMELL the flowers and leaves
LISTEN to grasses whisper, birds sing, insects buzz
OBSERVE the color, shapes, and interactions of the plants
TASTE the herbs or tomatoes fresh from the plant (with adult permission)
Check out what’s happening in the Sensory Garden!
bees feeding in the purple asters
strawberry leaves turning red
roses in a flush of blooms
skippers enjoying late summer flowers on the butterfly bush
The Sensory Garden is maintained by Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful volunteers and staff in collaboration with the City of Reno Department of Parks and Recreation. The Sensory Garden is located on Cowan Drive, Idlewild Park, Reno, NV 89509, and is open to the whole community during park hours.

A Huge KTMB Thank You to…
Reena Spansail for the Five Senses Mural featuring Coyote and Jackrabbit
Cesarina Pulleyn for the Four Sensory Garden Murals
Wayfarer Vans for the native plant raised garden beds